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Writer's pictureDavid Mathews


I've copied and pasted the following from a FB post concerning a head on collision with a few riders that were part of a group ride last night!! Until our DUI laws penalties are severe enough to make people completely stop this will continue, sadly! Praying for a full recovery of all the hurt riders and may the driver who was intoxicated be prosecuted to the fullest. Here's what I copied...

Most of you have probably heard about the very unfortunate incident that occurred on last night’s ride. I was not present for the ride but have been looped in on phone calls, emails and posts from many of you (thank you by the way) and I think it makes sense to post this info here for all to have a single source of info. Jason Young was involved in a horrific accident on the ride last night and is currently stabilized but with serious injuries. From my understanding there was a delivery truck of some sort that was blocking northbound traffic on the backside of Freemandville Rd. while the A group (Brian, Taylor, Jason, and others…not sure who) were heading southbound anywhere from 35 to 40 mph. One of the pickup trucks blocked from the delivery truck decided to try to dart around the truck while the group was descending by and Jason was struck head on. I know that several others in the group also sustained some injuries but I believe not nearly as serious (Taylor…I believe you were mentioned…hope all is well with you). Feel free to elaborate on more detail…this is just a recap from what I have been told. Here is the last update concerning his status via a text from his wife: “He is out of surgery, still on ventilator, broke left leg top and bottom, pins in both. (Top and bottom, not both legs) Shattered his knee cap they said in over 100 pcs. And dislocated. Told us to go home. He's in room 255 ICU. CT scan showed no brain injury, spine is ok also. Right thumb was cut 50% way thru and dislocated Will have to see on that when he can. BP is good and he's stable. Thank you for continued prayers” Jason is at the North Fulton Medical center and several of us plan on visiting this evening. I will update everyone later with more details as they come in (visiting hours, room, etc…). Not sure what we could bring to the hospital to try to cheer Jason up but it would be nice to do something for him…of course a personal visit from you would probably help the most. More to follow as they come in…

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