Yep , that's right, a BikefriendlyAtl membership is.....FREE! We don't get any state or federal funding but the one thing we've always done is to give support to the families of fallen friends as quickly as possible in the form of a ghost bike. We will always remember, never forget our fallen friends unlike most of the cycling advocacy groups! They really don't want to talk about the amount of fallen friends unless it's someone in their neck of the woods or if they can use it to get more publicity/funding! As BFA is entering the final phase of filing the 501(C)3 paperwork please note that NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE! If you have a few dollars to donate - click the DONATE button on a screen at ! It's a solid way to make sure we let our voices be heard and show continued support for our fallen friends and their families! From the bottom of our fallen friends hearts, we thank you! BFA