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Writer's pictureDavid Mathews

The Day The End Started the Beginning!!!

Many of you don't really know the who or why the non-profit Bikefriendlyatl began or why! It wasn't a plot to create a non profit for someone to make a salary or hourly wage, no it really was manifested from the near death bike ride of David Mathews on Jan 31, 2011! A bike ride to check the conditions of some damp tennis courts to see if this tennis coach, that has traveled around the world playing for the USA and has 11 national titles, could teach some interested kids to enjoy this game. It transpired into a head on collision with a 86 year old driver that said he never saw a 6'5' cyclist wearing white, yellow and black outfit at 1:30 in the afternoon, and hit him almost head on while going across the road to cut down a side street!!! After going unconscious on my back on the road after hitting the windshield face first, a lady helped me up and to the curb that was only 3 steps away!! I luckily had a witness and he told the officer the man was going down the wrong side of the street as he hit me!! Two days later, after my face had lost the swelling I called the witness from the police report and asked did he see the woman that helped me up? He said, "there was no woman!!!" From that day I vowed to make a difference in some way, but on April 30, 2012 my mission came to me as a cyclist Paul Taylor was hit from behind and killed about 1.5 miles from my house. I then had a bad churning in my heart and soul and knew that from that day forward leaving ghost bikes for our fallen friends and getting their voices heard will be with me until I leave this planet or can no longer do it!!! I pray you all will follow/Like/share often to make this happen sooner then later!!! To all my followers thank you from my heart I will get their voices heard!!!

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